Sustainability is mainstream and it’s affecting purchase behavior. Your company’s environmental and social record are increasingly reasons for consumers to buy or not buy from your brand.

Every year we ask Americans if they’ve ever intentionally purchased or not purchased a product or service based on the social or environmental record of the manufacturer. We then ask everyone who says yes to name the brand. Those who say “yes” and can give an example of a brand unaided? We call them shoptivists.

But who are these “shoptivists?”

In our latest report, we identify three distinct profiles of shoptivists: choosers, stoppers and changelings. We also unpack:

  • Who are shoptivists and why your brand should care about them
  • What are their shopping patterns and behaviors
  • Why they buy and don’t buy
  • What claims and actions resonate best with them
  • Where to reach them

Fill out the form to get your free report today.

After you read the report, let us know how these insights align with your brand’s opportunities and challenges. We’re here to help you leverage your work on sustainability with the shoptivists who are putting their wallets where their values are.


How can we help?