Building trust, building expertise

Client: PECO

PECO, a Philadelphia-area utility, offers rebates and resources for building ENERGY STAR® certified homes. We joined their team to motivate consumers and builders alike to rely on PECO as a trusted source for energy-efficient building practices and information.

To help sway both supply and demand for certified homes, we wrote and designed a set of simple, easy-to-navigate Web pages to remove the guesswork for both prospective homebuyers and prospective ENERGY STAR builder partners. The centerpiece of these pages is an animated video that vividly illustrates the benefits of ENERGY STAR. Thanks to our research, we already had a window into ENERGY STAR homebuyers’ values – “quality” topped their priority list, but they defined the term in a variety of ways. We followed up with another video that speaks directly to builders, describing the benefits of partnering with PECO.

The first video we made, for PECO customers, made waves inside and outside PECO’s territory – as part of PECO’s new efforts to promote ENERGY STAR certified homes, it helped them win 2015 ENERGY STAR Partner of the Year for Energy Efficiency Program Delivery.