We polled 1,000 Americans, asking them which environmental issues
they’ve been hearing about most from news, social media, family and friends.
“Plastics in the ocean” and “climate change” nearly tied at 57% and 59%
awareness, respectively.

When asked about their level of concern, however, respondents identified
plastics in our oceans as the much bigger problem (65% concerned/very
concerned) compared to climate change (58%).

Now is the time for brands to wake up before this sleeping giant does. It’s time to
address the problem of plastic waste – to tell the story of how your brand is
making changes – to address growing consumer distaste for single-use plastics.

In this report, you’ll find:

  • Statistics on American consumers’ changing perceptions of single-use plastics, plastic packaging and plastic waste
  • Discussion of changes in consumer sentiment (feelings of guilt, defeat and entrapment) surrounding their struggles to abandon plastic
  • Advice for brands on navigating changing tides in perception


How can we help?